Thursday, October 4, 2007

Waiting for something to happen . . .

I am about half way through the book (had to finish Harry Potter first). I am listening to it on tape, otherwise I think it is moving too slowly for me to stay with it (the beauty of books on tape). I have been curious to see how the criminal experience at the beginning fits in, why did Dickens start the novel this way? Is the specific criminal going to play a role, or will experience affect Pip in his future environment.

I love Jo (no idea if that is how his name is spelled, but he does says "JO Jo" when he is "reading"). Sometimes I start to pity him, and then he does or says something that reminds me he is happy with his situation, and wants nothing else. He should be envied! He is such a good soul, so very honest and optimistic.

Right now I think Miss Havishem (again no idea on the spelling) is making Pip a gentleman just so Estella can break his heart. That is going very out of her way to be cruel, though, so maybe she does have some goodness in her. I'll find out soon.

1 comment:

Nellie Jane said...

Nice Jess! Those are awesome questions and I think you'll be pleased when you get farther along. The story really picks up soon and everything comes back into play. Have fun!